Lighting and Compositing

Shot where Glorp turns to the camera with his gun. Responsible for Lighting, Compositing, and Rendering.

Responsible for Animation, Lighting, Compositing, and Rendering. Used roto-shapes in Nuke to make the sweat drop effect.

Responsible for Compositing. Keyed the 2D effect of the ground so that it fades out.

Responsible for Lighting, Compositing, and Rendering.

Responsible for Lighting, Compositing, and Rendering. Needed two rendered versions of the held object so that I could key the glow to make it look like it was "powering up".

Responsible for Lighting, Compositing, and Rendering. Used a God-Ray/fog effect on the light to make it fill the screen as the door opened.

Responsible for Compositing. Had to make several color corrections on the fire to make it match the art direction. Also used an inverted Ambient Occlusion pass to get the glow beneath Flip.

Responsible for Compositing.

Modeled and lit a replica scene from the Noir film, Sunset Boulevard.